So You Want to Refinish Your Basement?

Here we are, many months later, and so much has changed while, simultaneously, not much has changed. We now have a 8 month old! She’s a busy little bee and is already keeping us on our toes. So, naturally, why not start a massive friggin’ renovation project? 🤦🏻‍♀️

When we bought our house, a big portion of the basement had been finished and it was well done.

Previous owner's basement setup
Previous owner's basement setup

Previous owner’s photos from the house listing

Unfortunately, we have an older cat who randomly decides that she no longer likes the litter box for number two, so the nice carpet down there quickly became not-so-nice. 🙅🏻‍♀️☣️

Instead of just ripping up the carpet and replacing it with a floor that can easily be cleaned, we decided that since we were going to do all of that floor work, then we may as well make the whole space the way we want it; better to work on it once than twice.

So, after many decisions were made, furniture and supplies bought, the project began. In a nutshell, here’s what was accomplished:

  1. The original media center wall (to the right of the previous owners’ tv) was ripped out
  2. A new wall was framed, drywalled, mud-and-taped, sanded, and primed
  3. Walls and trim were painted
  4. Carpet and underlayment were removed from main room and cat room
  5. A subfloor was laid
  6. A new vinyl floor was laid in the main room and the cat room
  7. Transitions were put in
  8. A new couch was assembled and placed
  9. A bajillion Ikea Besta units were assembled and placed on the new wall. Billy bookcases sit atop them.
  10. The whole area was cleaned

Our refinished basement setup
Our refinished basement setup
Our refinished basement setup
Our refinished basement setup

We still have to organize our electronics and, once that’s done, I can put the shelves in to the bookcases and lower unit. I’m looking forward to decorating it!

I have to commend my husband for all of the goddamn work that he did. All the heavy lifting, the demo, teaching me how to lay floor and wire up electrical, the doing-something-every-day grind, while also being a steady partner, taking care of Zoe with me, and helping us keep the household running. We pushed hard to get this done before his annual boys’ trip, and we did it. He got to hang out on a boat on a well-deserved vacation. 🏝️ Standing ovation for you, my love. You are a wonder.

I also have to shout out my mom and dad. Mom, thank you for watching Zoe when we needed to spend full days on this damn project. Dad, thank you for helping and brainstorming with Steve on how to tackle the thornier/pain-in-the-ass parts of this. You guys’ expertise, knowledge, and time are greatly appreciated!

While the timing of the project wasn’t exactly ideal, I know we’re relieved to have it done! We’re excited for Zoe to be able to enjoy the finished space, as well. ☺️